When you write songs and record tracks you create copyrights. Copyright then gives you control over what happens to that music and you can exploit those controls to generate income around your music-making. Copyright control is automatic, but getting it right requires some important conversations and administration. Get to grips with how music copyright works, what you need to do as soon as you start making music, and how your music rights will start to make you money.
Meet the team
FounderIt all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
HELLO THERE. My name is Chris Cooke. I’m an editor, journalist and media entrepreneur. I publish CMU, ThisWeek Culture and ThreeWeeks Edinburgh.
I founded and co-own 3CM UnLimited, a company that champions and supports the content, culture, communication and music industries via media, research and training, educational initiatives, and live events.
Through 3CM and CMU, I have also founded a number of ventures in the music business, including the CMU Insights consultancy, the CMU:DIY future talent programme and the Pathways Into Music Foundation.
I deliver training for MMF and BPI. I consult for the Council Of Music Makers. I have dissected the digital music dollar and explained music copyright. I programmed twelve editions of The Great Escape Conference. And I helped launch and develop the Taylor Bennett Foundation. I keep busy.
This is my website. You can check out stuff I’ve been doing HERE. You can read stuff I’ve written HERE. You can check out my podcasts HERE.
Then read about projects I’ve been involved in via 3CM UnLimited HERE.